Q & A 2017-08-31T00:38:07+00:00

Common Questions & Answers

We provide specialized care services including symptom management, emotional support and spiritual support. We address the issues that are most important to the patient’s needs and wants at the end of their life, focusing on improving the individual’s quality life.

Patient’s are eligible for hospice care when they have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. At that time comfort, care and symptom management become the focus when curative treatment is no longer the patient’s choice or option.

  • Your private home or residence

  • Assisted Living

  • Senior Residential Homes

  • Board and Cares

  • Skilled Nursing Facilities

Yes. Bereavement services follow family and caregivers following a patient’s death.

Yes. Direct Care Hospice accepts patients who will live alone.

Anyone can refer a friend or their loved ones to a hospice program. The patient and family should feel free to discuss hospice care at any time with their physician, other health care providers, clergy or friends.

Patient must be determined to have a terminal illness, with a prognosis of 6 months or less to live. If the disease follows its normal course; has made the choice to receive ‘palliative care’ versus ‘curative’ treatments; and agrees with comfort measures for continuing care.

  • Medicare

  • Medi-Cal

  • HMO’s & Private Insurance